
 Parish Diary


This Parish Diary covers our Sunday worship calendar and other events and services in our churches and in our community - as well as who is doing what and when. Special thanks to all those who work so hard to make all this happen. Your ministries are cherished. But things happen - so if you can't make one of the duties you're down for, please arrange a swap or advise Ian Dixon on 01435 813363 or email – info@focusedfinancialservices.co.uk , so that we can amend the Diary

What we are
We're Anglicans in the Church of England. We come together for services of worship every Sunday, alternating between our two churches in the parish. We will always celebrate Holy Communion - founded by Jesus's Last Supper with his friends - but we also make room for Morning Worship and family services, events and prayer groups during the week.

What we try to do
We try to follow Jesus, who shows us in his life a God who accepts everyone who comes to him. So everyone is welcome, just as they are - we're not a club for good or holy people, but for everyone, whether you have faith or you don't, whether you have friends and family or you don't, whether you're happy or sad, whether you love or hate yourself. The Christian story tells us that we're loved more than we can possibly know, just as we are - so what we try to be is the living body of Christ in the world.

What we ask of you
Nothing. Just come in your hopes and your fears, your joys and your sorrows, to meet an extraordinary God among ordinary people. He'll do the heavy lifting, if we just let him.


Churchwardens’ comments – August 2024 from Sarah Mackenzie and Ian Dixon

We move very much into the holiday season and we trust that everyone will have an opportunity to “take some time out” and benefit from a change of scene. How fortunate most of us are to be able to do this, so we should spare a thought for those less fortunate for whom this is not possible. Our support for FSW (Family Support Work) does enable us to go some way to recognising the needs of others and we thank everyone who donates so generously to this worthwhile cause.

Our period of interregnum continues and we continue to be able to offer our regular pattern of services through the generosity of time from a number of retired priests and, in particular, the significant support of Father Simon Hobbs who has very kindly enabled us to achieve this. Whilst the last nine months have proved a challenge, it has been quite refreshing to have the variety of priests looking after us and it is really very rewarding that, without exception, they have all commented on the warm welcome they have received and have offered to return! Naturally, enough, there are times when we inevitably look back, but it feels that we are now looking forward much more and our prayer is that we shall have a new priest to lead us in God’s own time.

During these last months we have become even more aware of the contributions made by so many people in so many ways as we maintain the work of the parish. A huge thank you to you all.

We have seen our regular coffee mornings, both on Wednesdays and on Saturday mornings up and running and generating a lovely opportunity for coming together socially. As a real bonus, we are seeing significant contributions to our “Flush Fund” as we look to bring the aspiration of an indoor toilet to All Saints to a reality. This project is moving along and we hope to have some firm plans and approvals in place by year end. We continue to be grateful to FOWC for their considerable support in this venture.

We continue to maintain strong links with our C of E school and will have seen the annual school leavers service by the time you read this. This is always a real pleasure for us to be involved with and we wish each and everyone of them well as they move on.

Our quarter starts with our Lammas service which again, is to be held at Heronsdale; we are very grateful to the Chambers family for their hospitality. The quarter will also see Harvest and Fruitfulness festivals in our churches and, thanks to Father Simon Hobbs, two new services, further details of which will follow closer to the dates.

Thank you again to you all for your ongoing and valued support, be you priest, sidesperson, reader, intercessor, refreshment provider, cleaner, bell ringer, chorister…… ( we have probably forgotten someone, so please excuse us!)

2 August FRIDAY
6.15pm Choir Practice at All Saints

4 August FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH @ ALL SAINTS Lammas –(Trinity 10)
10am Lammas Eucharist @ Heronsdale
President; Rev.Malcolm Elwis Preacher:Tim Hough
First Reading: Exodus 16; 11-15 ;Sarah Mackenzie
Psalm: 104; 10-11
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 9; 6-11;Roger Clark
Gospel; John 6; 28-35
Intercessions: Dotty Withers
Sidespersons; Sarah Mackenzie, Ray and Moira James
Refreshments; Dawn & Lizzie

10.00am to 12.30pm Waldron Community Market
@ Holy Cross Priory, Lewes Road, Cross in Hand


8am Holy Communion bcp
President & Preacher; Father Simon Hobbs
10am Parish Eucharist
President & Preacher; Father Simon Hobbs
First Reading: 1 Kings 19; 4-8; Ray Cade
Psalm: 34; 1-8
Second Reading: Ephesians 4; 25 to 5;2; Sue Garden
Gospel: John 6; 35, 41-51
Intercessions: Carolyn Dixon
Sidespersons; Ray and Kathy Cade
Refreshments; John and Nicole
Classic Car & Bike Show & Family Fund Day
Being held on The Cattam, Waldron until 4.00pm
by Rotary and in support of church funds

16 August FRIDAY
6.15pm Choir Practice @ All Saints

17 August SATURDAY
10.00am to 12 noon Coffee Morning at Little Culverwood, Little London Road, TN21 0AX by kind permission of Martin Wood and Freddie Everett

8am Holy Communion bcp
President & Preacher: Rev. Desmond Burton
10am Morning Praise
Leader; Andy Delves & Preacher: Tim Hough
First Reading: Proverbs 9; 1-6; Tim Williams
Second Reading; John 6; 51-58; Barbara Duncan
Intercessions: Roger Clark
Sidespersons; Ian Dixon and John Chambers
Refreshments; Faith Sandeman and ANR

19 August MONDAY
11am Holy Communion @ Holy Cross Priory
President: Lucy Murdoch

23 August FRIDAY
6.15pm Choir Practice at St Bart’s

25 August FOURTH SUNDAY OF THE MONTH @ St Bartholomew - (Trinity 13)
8am Holy Communion bcp
President & Preacher: Father Simon Hobbs
11am Parish Eucharist
President: Father Simon Hobbs Preacher; Rev Ann Pollington
First Reading: Acts 5; 12-16; Moira James
Psalm: 145; 1-7
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 4; 9-15; Ray James
Gospel; Luke 22; 24-30
Intercessions; Martin Jenner
Sidespersons; Barbara and Ian
Refreshments; Sarah
Our service today will be followed by a celebratory gathering in the Alleluia Room to “toast” our patron Saint!

30 August FRIDAY
6.15pm Choir Practice at All Saints

8am Holy Communion bcp
President & Preacher: Father Simon Hobbs
10am Parish Eucharist
President & Preacher; Rev. Malcolm Elwis
First Reading: Deuteronomy 4; 1-2, 6-9; Ian Dixon
Psalm: 15
Second Reading: James 1; 17 to end; Peter Venn
Gospel: Mark 7; 1-8,14-15,21-23
Intercessions: Carollyn Stanbridge
Sidespersons; John Chambers and Ian Dixon
Refreshments; Bev and Keith Bulmer

4 September WEDNESDAY
10.30am to 12 noon – Coffee, Cake & a Chat in the Alleluia Room
12.30pm – Parish Prayer Group in the Alleluia Room

6 September FRIDAY
4.00pm – Ministry meeting in Alleluia Room

8 September SECOND SUNDAY OF THE MONTH @ST. BART’S - Trinity 15
8am Holy Communion bcp
President & Preacher: Rev. Desmond Burton
10am Parish Eucharist
President & Preacher: Father Mark Hill
First Reading: Isaiah 35; 4-7a; Carolyn Dixon
Psalm; 146
Second Reading; James 2; 1-10; Scarlett Hopking
Gospel; Mark 7; 24 to end
Intercessions; Sarah Mackenzie
Sidespersons; Ann Bassett and Barbara
Refreshments; Roger and Alex

11 September WEDNESDAY
10.30am to 12 noon – Coffee, Cake & a Chat in the Alleluia Room
12.30pm – Parish Prayer Group in Alleluia Room

12 September THURSDAY
10.00am to 12.30pm Waldron Community Market @ Holy Cross Priory, Lewes Road, Cross in Hand

13 September FRIDAY
6.15pm Choir Practice at All Saints

14 September SATURDAY
10.00am to 12 noon Coffee Morning at Maigarth, Mayfield Flat, TN21 0TU
by kind permission of Reg and Ann Bassett

8am Holy Communion bcp
President & Preacher: Rev. Desmond Burton
10am Morning Praise
Leader; Tim Hough Preacher: Andy Delves
First Reading; James 3; 1-12; Michael Withers
Second Reading: Mark 8; 27 to end; Maureen Keith
Intercessions: Dotty Withers
Sidespersons; Sarah Mackenzie and John Chambers
Refreshments; Mobbs Pitcher & ANR

16 September MONDAY
11am Holy Communion @ Holy Cross Priory
President: Lucy Murdoch

18 September WEDNESDAY
10.30am to 12 noon – Coffee, Cake & a Chat in the Alleluia Room
12.30pm Parish Prayer Group in Alleluia Room

20 September FRIDAY
6.15pm Choir Practice at St Bart’s

22 September FOURTH SUNDAY OF THE MONTH @ST BART’S - Trinity 17
8am Holy Communion bcp
President & Preacher: Father Simon Hobbs
10am Parish Eucharist
President & Preacher: Father Simon Hobbs
First Reading: Jeremiah 11; 18-20; Martin Jenner
Psalm: 54
Second Reading: James 3; 13- 4; 3-,7-8a; Carollyn Stanbridge
Gospel; Mark 9; 30-37
Intercessions: Carolyn Dixon
Sidespersons; Ian Dixon and Sarah Mackenzie
Refreshments; Pete and Joan

3.00pm Pet Service at St Bartholomew’s
Further details to follow

23 September MONDAY
2.00pm Knitting Group in Alleluia Room

25 September WEDNESDAY
10.30am to 12 noon – Coffee, Cake & a Chat in the Alleluia Room
12.30pm Parish Prayer Group in Alleluia Room

27 September FRIDAY
6.15 pm Choir Practice at All Saints

29 September FIFTH SUNDAY OF THE MONTH @ ALL SAINTS - Trinity 18 – St Michael & All Angels
8am Holy Communion bcp
President & Preacher; Rev. Patrick Sales
10.00am Matins
Leader & Preacher: Tim Hough
First Reading; Revelations 12; 7-12; Sue Garden
Psalm: 103; 19 to end
Second Reading: John 1; 47 to end; Dotty Withers
Intercessions: Roger Clark
Sidespersons; Ian Dixon and John Chambers
Refreshments; TBA

10.30am to 12 noon – Coffee, Cake & a Chat in the Alleluia Room
12.30pm Prayer Group in Alleluia Room

4 October 4.00pm Ministry meeting in Alleluia Room

8am Holy Communion bcp
President & Preacher: Rev. Desmond Burton
11am Harvest Festival -Parish Eucharist
President & Preacher, Rev. Malcolm Elwis
First Reading: Joel 2; 21-27; Peter Venn
Psalm: 126
Second Reading: 1 Timothy 2; 1-7; Tim Williams
Gospel: Matthew 6; 25-33
Intercessions; Ian Dixon
Sidespersons; John Chambers and Ian Dixon
Refreshments; Christine & Ian Mountford

Followed by Harvest Lunch – further details to follow

10.30am to 12 noon – Coffee, Cake & a Chat in the Alleluia Room
12.30pm Parish Prayer Group in Alleluia Room

10 October THURSDAY
10.00am to 12.30pm Waldron Community Market @ Holy Cross Priory, Lewes Road, Cross in Hand

13 October SECOND SUNDAY OF THE MONTH @ ST BART’S Fruitfulness - Trinity 20
8am Holy Communion bcp
President & Preacher: Father Simon Hobbs
10am Morning Praise
Leader & Preacher: Tim Hough
First Reading: James 5; 7-9; Sarah Mackenzie
Psalm; 67
Second Reading; Matthew 15; 32-39; Colin Webb
Intercessions: Martin Jenner
Sidespersons; Ray and Kathy Cade
Refreshments; Murial and Ann

16 October WEDNESDAY
10.30am to 12 noon – Coffee, Cake & a Chat in the Alleluia Room
12.30pm Parish Prayer Group in Alleluia Room

17 October THURSDAY
6.00pm A Healing Eucharist at St Bartholomew’s Further details to follow

18 October FRIDAY
6.15pm Choir Practice at All Saints

8am Holy Communion bcp
President & Preacher: Father Simon Hobbs
10am Parish Eucharist
President & Preacher: Father Mark Hill
First Reading: Isaiah 53; 4 to end; Ray Cade
Psalm; 91’ 9 to end
Second Reading: Hebrews 5; 1-10; Valerie Chidson
Gospel; Mark 10;35-45
Intercessions: Carollyn Stanbridge
Sidespersons; Ian Dixon and John Chambers
Refreshments; Faith Sandeman and Carollyn Stanbridge

21 October MONDAY Holy Communion @ Holy Cross Priory
11.00 am President: Lucy Murdoch

23 October WEDNESDAY
10.30am to 12 noon – Coffee, Cake & a Chat in the Alleluia Room
12.30pm Parish Prayer Group in Alleluia Room

25 October FRIDAY
6.15pm Choir Practice at St Bart’s

27 October FOURTH SUNDAY OF THE MONTH @ ST. BART’S - Last of Trinity
8am Holy Communion bcp
President & Preacher: Father Simon Hobbs
10am Parish Eucharist
President & Preacher: Father Simon Hobbs
First Reading: Jeremiah 31; 7-9; Ray James
Psalm: 126
Second Reading: Hebrews 7; 23 to end; Moira James
Gospel: Mark 10; 46 to end
Intercessions: Carolyn Dixon
Sidespersons; Ian and Barbara
Refreshments; John and Nicole

28 October MONDAY
2.00pm Knitting Group in Alleluia Room

30 October WEDNESDAY
10.30am to 12 noon – Coffee, Cake & a Chat in the Alleluia Room
12.30pm Parish Prayer Group in Alleluia Room

1 November FRIDAY
4.00pm Ministry Team meeting in Alleluia Room
6.15pm Choir Practice at All Saints

Parish Services – subject to variation

1st Sunday of the month @All Saints
8am Holy Communion BCP
10am Parish Eucharist CW
Followed by coffee

2nd Sunday of the month @St Bart’s
8am Holy Communion BCP
10am Parish Eucharist CW
Followed by coffee

3rd Sunday of the month @All Saints
8am Holy Communion BCP
10am Morning Praise (CW)
Followed by coffee

4th Sunday of the month @St Bart’s
8am Holy Communion BCP
10am Parish Eucharist CW
Followed by coffee

5th Sunday of the month – see notices
Holy Communion CW
is celebrated in the little chapel at Holy Cross Priory
every third Monday of the month at 11am
All welcome.
Especially suitable for those who cannot get to church on Sunday

Parish E-news
This is a weekly emailed publication sent out giving information
on services and events across the parish.
If you do not already receive this and would like to do so, please let Pippa Clarke know by email and your name will be added to the circulation list. Additionally, if you have any item you wish to include, please also let Pippa know.

Parish Priest In interregnum
Parish Reader
Tim Hough 01435 862065
Andy Delves 07785 931261
Assistant Priests
The Revd Simon Hobbs
The Rev. Canon Lucy Murdoch
Contact via the churchwardens
Sarah Mackenzie - 01435 866419
Ian Dixon - 01435 813363
Assistant Wardens
Carollyn Stanbridge - 01435 866750

Please direct these to either of the two churchwardens Child Protection & Safeguarding Officer
Roger Clark 01435 661121
Pastoral Care & Support
Sarah Mackenzie 01435 866419
Ian Dixon 01435 813363
Tim Hough 01435 862065
Mobbs Pitcher 07721 672623 (For “Lost & Found Group”)
Friends of Waldron Churches
Tim Williams 01435 812273
Ian Dixon 01435 813363
Parish Prayer Group
Dotty Withers 01435 866737

eNews Curator – Pippa Clarke philippaclarke@hotmail.com

Please note that any enquiries for Special Services should be directed to;
Weddings; Sarah Mackenzie (01435 866419),
Funerals Ian Dixon (01435 813363)
Baptisms ; Sarah Mackenzie(01435 866419)