The Parish Prayer Group pray for any needs in the parish. They keep a book of prayer requests which is placed on the altar every Sunday and lifted up in prayer during the service.
The PPG also pray for the wider needs known to them, including items in the news etc.
Meetings: Wednesdays
Time: 7pm except for the last Wednesday of the month when it is at 10.30am (Venue varies)
Venue: St Barts
September - November (meetings cease at Advent)
January to Lent (40 days before Easter)
The Group welcomes any believer who would like to pray with them.
Prayer requests:
There is a box in each church for requests which can also be passed verbally to any member of the group. All matters are held in STRICT CONFIDENCE unless permission is given for more open circulation and confidential matters are separated in the book for prayer, which is not available for open viewing.