What’s on this week
Wednesday 11th September
10.30am – 12.00pm – Coffee, cake and chat – Alleluia Room
12.30pm – Parish prayer group – Alleluia Room
Thursday 12th September
10.00 – 12.30 – Waldron community market – Holy Cross Priory Cross in Hand
Friday 13th September
6.00pm – Choir practice – All Saints Waldron
Saturday 14th September
10.00am – 12 noon – Coffee morning – Maigarth Mayfield Flat TN21 OTU
Next week's service
Sunday 15 September - Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity at All Saints
8.00am – Holy Communion (bcp)
President & Preacher: Rev’d Desmond Burton
10am – Morning Praise
Leader: Tim Hough Preacher: Andy Delves
Date for your Diary – Pet Service
We are holding a Pet Service on 22nd September at 3pm in St Bart’s. Everyone is welcome to bring themselves and their pets to be blessed during the service! Please ensure that smaller pets are carried safely. Please let others know and invite them along!
Harvest Festival
Sunday 6th October (please note there will be no coffee after the service this week) After our Parish Eucharist at 11am we are warmly invited to share our Harvest Lunch together at Gail and Tim William’s home BURNT OAK, BACK LANE, WALDRON. TN21 0NN from 12.45pm onwards.
As usual contributions of salads, puddings, wine and soft drinks will be most welcome. Please let Gail know what you are bringing on 01435 812273 or Sarah on 01435 866419
Our church family is very special, and we look forward to seeing everyone there.
Kneeler book - All Saints Waldron
It has come to our notice that the book with details of the kneelers at All Saints seems to have disappeared. It may well have been moved during recent events, or, indeed, it may have been borrowed? If you have any information as to its whereabouts, could you advise Ian Dixon on 01435 813363
Family Support Work
Summer giving to FSW.
A very big thank you to everyone who has given generously to the summer holiday food donations for FSW families. Your kindness makes a huge difference and boosts the food bank at a time when it is needed more than ever. 6 weeks of school holidays is a long time and when the children are at home all day every day, lunch and snacks and treats have to be found.
Thank you, Sarah and Carollyn
As a new addition to the e-news our Preachers have agreed to make their sermons available for people to read in their own time if they so wish to do so.
They will be sent as an attachment the week following the Sunday that their sermon is delivered at the service. Please see attached Sermon for Trinity 9 (28th July 2024) from Rev’d Simon Hobbs
Coffee Mornings Spring/Summer 2024
Saturdays – 10am to 12noon.
Homemade cakes are always welcome please
14th September by kind permission of Mr & Mrs Reg Bassett, Maygarth, Mayfield Flat Cross in Hand TN21 OUT
The Peace
From our Ministry Meeting this week, it was agreed that the more usual greeting of shaking hands during The Peace be resumed. Please share The Peace in this manner with those beside, in front and behind you.
A call to all Waldron Parish Cakemakers!
We are blessed with some excellent cake makers in our Parish and, as we approach the Summer months when we have a range of coffee mornings and other events, we are hoping that they can all rise to the occasion (along with the cakes)!
Our Parish Diary will list details of events and we shall identify them in e – news each week and at our services, but please support us in whatever way you can as all proceeds go towards Church funds.
If you are able to provide anything for an event, would you kindly advise Mary Everett (01435 812488) or let the “host” know so that they can relax a little before the events.
Thank you very much for any support you can provide.
The “Alleluia” Room – St Bartholomew’s Church, Cross in Hand
Graeme Mackenzie is now the point of contact for the use of the Alleluia room. Please phone him on 01435 866419 or email gandsmack@uwclub.net if you wish to make booking. Our meeting room It provides a variety of useful spaces for meetings both small and large and has hosted a number of receptions using the excellent catering facilities. Of course, it also provides toilet facilities as well! Whilst it is used quite extensively for church meetings and gatherings, we want it to be used by the wider community, so if you think you can make use of the facility, do let one of the churchwardens know and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.