The stitching group continue to work on completing the third and final altar kneeler at St Bartholomew’s. The kneelers will match the altar frontals that were installed in 2017 and are designed by Polly Maynell. It is anticipated that our work will be completed in the next few weeks and following a period with the experts, who will complete the finished tapestry into usable kneelers, they will be in use before summer 2020.
We currently meet on Thursday afternoons, as we aim to accommodate all those who contribute. Do pop in and see our work in progress. We enjoy a cup of tea at about 3pm so that would be a good time to share tea and biscuits and see what we are doing.
Meetings: St Bartholomew's Church
Time: Friday, 2.00 - 4.00pm
Visitors: The group welcome visitors to call in and see the work in progress.