About the Friends

Formed in 2010 The Friends of Waldron Churches has been established to support the restoration, preservation and maintenance of these two historic church buildings and also All Saints' churchyard for the community for future generations.

The villages of Waldron and Cross in Hand in East Sussex England are home to these two wonderful buildings. All Saints’, now a Grade I listed building, has been standing since the days of Richard the Lionheart, and St Bartholomew’s has been serving the parish since Queen Victoria’s reign. Please help us to preserve this heritage for future generations for the community, visitors, and regular worshippers.

We are a fairly unique parish, blessed by the presence of two wonderful buildings, symbols of stability in the midst the community. However with this great privilege, comes the challenge and the responsibility of maintaining them for the future, so that those who come after us can enjoy their continued use.


The Association of Friends of the Churches of All Saints’ Waldron and St. Bartholomew, Cross in Hand was formed and adopted by the Parochial Church Council (PCC) on 28th July 2010. The PCC, which is a registered charity, retains ultimate responsibility for the efficient operation of the scheme.

A management committee was constituted, consisting of four members appointed by the PCC, and four members elected at the AGM of the Friends of Waldron Churches.

Formed in 2010 The Friends of Waldron Churches has been established to Support the restoration, preservation and maintenance of these two historic church buildings and also All Saints' churchyard for the community for future generations.

The villages of Waldron and Cross in Hand in East Sussex England are home to these two wonderful buildings. All Saints’, now a Grade I listed building, has been standing since the days of Richard the Lionheart, and St Bartholomew’s has been serving the parish since Queen Victoria’s reign. Please help us to preserve this heritage for future generations for the community, visitors, and regular worshippers.

We are a fairly unique parish, blessed by the presence of two wonderful buildings, symbols of stability in the midst the community. However with this great privilege, comes the challenge and the responsibility of maintaining them for the future, so that those who come after us can enjoy their continued use.

Friends of Waldron Churches comply  with the General Data Protection Regulations (2018). Our privacy statement can be viewed here» 

Friends of Waldron Church share the Registered Charity Number of Waldron PCC  - 1184369


Tim Williams - Chairman*

Ian Dixon - Deputy chairman and Membership Secretary*

Nigel Beard - Secretary

David Mattinson - Treasurer

Roger Clark - Member *

Mary Manser-Everett - Member *

Mobbs Pitcher - Member

Helen Porter  - Member

Peter Venn - Member

* = on the Parochial Church Council

We are always keen to welcome new members to the FoWC committee. Please contact Tim Williams» if you would like to discuss joining us