Family Support Work

Family Support Work (FSW)
We are no longer collecting milk bottle tops, crisp bags or stamps in church. Coopers, the undertakers, in Cross in Hand will accept the milk bottle tops – just ring the bell and hand them in. Crisp bags can now be recycled at either the Coop or Sainsbury in town. Stamps may be left in the shop at Eastbourne District General hospital. Jam jars are no longer required.
Thank you.

Dear Friends,

It has been a bit of a whirlwind over the last month as our new practitioners have settled in to their roles. Thank you to everybody who lives in one of our new areas and has made contact or offered support to their new practitioner; it really means a lot to us. As a result, our new colleagues are already building up quite substantial caseloads and it is wonderful to be able to support so many new families who have been needing help. We have also been working with some Ukrainian refugees in certain areas who have been attending our drop-in sessions.

The half term and jubilee celebrations meant some very busy days – we had stands at many carnivals, town fairs and the like and were able to talk to lots of people about our work. Keep an eye out on our social media pages for the photos!

Looking ahead we are planning our summer holiday activities, which this year will include a day in Ashburnham for our East Sussex families. We are also working with Lodge Hill Activity Centre near Pulborough, which offers some incredible opportunities which we hope to be able to access for our families.

We are still in need of donations for our foodbank, particularly jams, sauces and toiletries. With the increase in the number of families we support with food deliveries, our stocks are running lower more quickly so any contributions are very gratefully received.

Please keep Saturday 1st October in your diaries – this will be our AGM which this year will be at Chichester Cathedral and be followed by a full Eucharist and lunch. We do hope to see as many of you there as possible.


Thank you for your continued support of FSW’s work.


May’s work in numbers

  • 238 individual visits and 724 calls with families supporting 360 adults and 358 children
  • 47 supported meetings with other agencies
  • 35 group sessions held supporting 409 parents and 199 children
  • 185 food deliveries made

Prayer points

  • Give thanks that our new family support practitioners have quickly settled into their new roles
  • Pray for all of the volunteers who are supporting our busy events schedule over the coming weeks and give thanks for their commitment and dedication
  • Pray for all the refugee families we support, from Syria, Ukraine and other areas of conflict, that we will provide reassurance and stability for them


Nikki Kerr, FSW Director of Fundraising and Marketing


Read more about Family Support Work→