Church services update


All Saints will be open on Monday and Friday each week from approximately 9am until 5pm and on First and Third Sundays from approx.. 11.30am to 5pm (to allow for streamed services)
St Bartholomew’s - unfortunately the decision has been taken not to open St Barts for private prayer after Wednesday, 26 August.

 We continue to organise suitable cleaning programmes. These arrangements will continue to be kept under review and amended as and when circumstances permit.  For your protection and to comply with guidelines we have drawn up a procedure as detailed below and we should be grateful if you could follow this.  

We shall continue to celebrate communion at our 8.00am services at both churches, alternately, as hitherto and our 10.00am services will be as advertised, again at alternate churches.

Naturally, all appropriate precautions will be taken to keep everyone safe and these are summarised below.

Please also note that we plan to continue “live streaming” each service so, if you are attending and would not wish to be “in view” please advise the churchwardens before the service so that this can be accommodated.

For those attending the service:

  • You will be asked to use the sanitizer at the church upon arrival and upon leaving.
  • You will also be asked to observe the 2 metre “social distancing” requirements and to sit in the pews where a label has been added to assist with this process.
  • “Households” may sit together, but please respect others need to maintain a suitable distance. We believe that common sense will prevail.
  • Please allow time for everyone to get into church (as we need to start our services promptly when live streaming), whilst maintaining the social distancing.
  • When leaving, please also recognise the need to maintain suitable distances.
  • Communion will only be offered in the first kind, that is, by taking a wafer; we shall not be taking wine from the Chalice. The process for communion will be explained by the celebrant when we shall be operating a “one way” system for approaching and returning from the altar.

We trust that our arrangements will be relatively easy to follow and enable us to gather as a body of the church once more without placing anyone in danger.

We shall continue to refine our plans as the weeks go by in the light of further guidance.

Wedding pic