
Church collections

It costs around £50/60,000 to cover all of the costs associated with keeping our two churches open quite apart from any improvements that we might aim to make.

We rely heavily on regular giving to help us maintain income and you can support us in a variety of ways. Details are provided below and if you need any advice or guidance do please contact the Treasurer, Ian Dixon on 01435 813363

To join us and set up a standing order with your bank or to give a one-off gift you can do so by....

BACS Payment:
Lloyds Bank - Sort Code: 30-98-77 Account: Waldron PCC  Number: 02677809

Made payable to Waldron Parochial Church Council and sent to: Ian Dixon, Brambles Dern Lane, Waldron Heathfield East Sussex TN21 0PN

Freewill Offering (FWO)
The FWO scheme can receive variable cash donations, weekly, monthly or on occasional gifts. Numbered envelopes are available for regular givers or envelopes on which you can complete your details. This method allows us to claim Gift Aid* on your donations making them worth 25% more.

* To claim Gift Aid you must be a UK tax payer and pay less Income and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed by all charities to whom you give under gift aid in any year.

If you are interested in making a FWO offering, contact Ian Dixon→

Parish Giving Scheme

This scheme is a 21st Century solution to address one of our greatest problems which is to be reassured as to the regular income we can expect to receive for the Parish.
Donors arrange to support our churches by way of a Direct Debit which can be set up monthly, quarterly or annually. If you are a UK tax payer, and, therefore, your contribution qualifies for Gift Aid, this is automatically claimed and the benefit passed to us.

The scheme is administered centrally for the Church of England and we simply receive a bulk payment each month along with the tax recovered, making our own Parish administration extremely simple. For those who wish to remain anonymous, there is the capacity to do so and, importantly, you can also index link your donations if you wish, avoiding the eed for ongoing reviews!

Our Treasurer strongly recommends this form of giving to support our work, so, if you would like to join those who already use the scheme, just let the Treasurer Ian Dixon → know and further guidance and application forms can be provided.


Here at WALDRON we welcome all gifts in wills, however large or small, and we promise to use your gift to make a difference in our parish. Our PCC Legacy Policy is to use gifts to help fund significant development projects, whether buildings, equipment or staff.

Since needs change over the years, we encourage you to leave a gift in your will for the general purposes of the parish rather than for a restricted purpose. We will discuss possible uses of your gift with your executors when the time comes, bearing in mind your known areas of interest in the church (e.g. music, buildings, children and youth, overseas mission or aid) and the church’s priorities at the time.

You can be confident that your gift will be used to make a real difference to our future mission and ministry.

We will acknowledge gifts in whatever way the donor and/or his/her executors feel most appropriate to. Equally, we can make sure that gifts remain anonymous if the donor prefers.

If you would like to talk to someone in confidence about the sorts of purposes your gift might fund, and how/if you would like your gift to be acknowledged, please contact Ian Dixon→

If you would like to make a gift to our church in memory of a loved one, please do come and discuss this with us too.

For further information please visit