
What we are

We're Anglicans in the Church of England. We come together for services of worship every Sunday, alternating between our two churches in the parish. We will always try to celebrate Holy Communion - founded by Jesus's Last Supper with his friends - but we also make room for Matins and other services, events and prayer groups during the week.

What we try to do

We try to follow Jesus, who shows us in his life a God who accepts everyone who comes to him. So everyone is welcome, just as they are - we're not a club for good or holy people, but for everyone, whether you have faith or you don't, whether you have friends and family or you don't, whether you're happy or sad, whether you love or hate yourself. The Christian story tells us that we're loved more than we can possibly know, just as we are - so what we try to be is the living body of Christ in the world.

What we ask of you

Nothing. Just come in your hopes and your fears, your joys and your sorrows, to meet an extraordinary God among ordinary people. He'll do the heavy lifting, if we just let him.